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8 Things to Do During Corona Shutdown (At-home 'Productive' Edition)

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There are no mandatory stay-at-home protocols for most of Hong Kong, but many have been WFH since February, so we've had a little more time to explore what there is to do when 'outside' is not an option. 

Here are some ideas (alphabetical):

  1. Relive college.. for fun: In 2020, the web continues to bring some amazing lectures directly to your home. There are literally 450 Ivy League courses you can take online right now for free. Here are Stanford and MIT's youtube channels, full of searchable hour-long lectures. Alternatively: Masterclass is expensive, but also intriguing (Apr 14 update: 64 Harvard courses).
  2. Books: Books is cheap entertainment. Eg. Shoe Dog by Nike's founder, Phil Knight was one of the best book I've read ('Best' is vague - how about the best reading experience). Tiny Habits was also a refreshing read.
  3. Check on friends and family: They are *probably* not doing much either.
  4. Money counting: It was once said that you can't manage what you can't measure. Whether you're a big spender or not; it's probably worth checking at least semi regularly whether there are any recurring weird fees that you're not aware of that's chipping at your balance.
  5. Exercise: burpees, planks or pull-ups are all very effective indoor exercises with minimal equipment requirement. Or like this French gentleman - you too can run Marathon at your home (note: probably a good idea to stretch afterward).
  6. Meditation/Mindfulness: Jack does it - and if Jack does it, it must do something, right? Clarity, focus, and calmness are among the many purported positive mental health effects. Insight-timer, Headspace and Calm are some of the most popular apps.
  7. Organize and Optimize: Suggestions - 1) clearing your desktop (physical or digital); 2) optimizing notification settings (some apps just don't deserve any of your attention); 3) download an app that allows you to limit social media usage; 4) streamlining who you follow (or don't follow) on Twitter; 5) creating personal whatsapp groups. No better time than now to get really organized.
  8. Tidying/Cleaning/Selling: whether you're into Marie Kondo; have always been curious about minimalist living; looking to monetize your unused items; or just simply never had time - there are a lot of reasons and not a lot of excuses for not doing it while you are trapped at home.

Any more suggestions, let me know!


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